"No other system works this well!

The family Campeau in Quebec are our first customers in Canada. They saw the Moving Floor Groupbox on youtube and decided that this was what they needed to improve their calf rearing. We give them a call to check how they are: 

How are you and your calves?

Hi, we are doing well. We have used Moving Floor since February 2017 and the best part of it is the improved animal health. We used to have problems with the calf health before with a high culling rate. Now I see a significant change.

Are you saving working time?

Yes, my estimation is a 50% reduction in working hours. We are now working on automatic refill of the bedding containers, which will even shorter the time. We save a lot of bedding too.

What about growth rate on calves?

Our target has been to double the birth weight in 60 days, which was a difficult target to reach greater part of the year before having automatic cleaning. Now this target is easily met.

How old are the calves on Moving Floor?

We give the calves raw milk individually and then on the 5th day in life we move them to Moving Floor. They stay there until weaning. Feeding is done in milk bars.

Some Canadian studies have shown positive effects of group housing calves, have you noticed any difference coming from individually housed calves?

We notice that the calves are less nervous when they are in a group. It is easier for us to approach them. As the calves get older and moved into bigger groups we see that they can more easily adapt. Moving calves from individual pens to big groups often stressed the calves and made them eat less for a few days. It was a more difficult transition.

What would you say to somebody considering automatic cleaning?

No other system works this well!

Watch a video from the Campeau farm here

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